Moscow Saint Alexius сentral hospital
Concert in the framework of social-cultural initiative of the orchestra «Virtuosi to Moscow»
28 August, 2024, Wednesday, 18:30
Concert in the framework of social-cultural initiative of the orchestra «Virtuosi to Moscow»
27 August, 2024, Tuesday, 19:00
«Moscow Virtuosi». «Akhmatova and Mayakovsky» As part of the Forum-festival «Territory of future. Moscow 2030»
25 August, 2024, Sunday, 12:00
A series of popular science lecture-concerts "Musical Laboratory of the Moscow Virtuosi". Lecture 2: Music and Mathematics
23 August, 2024, Friday, 19:00
«Moscow Virtuosi» «The Four Seasons. Rethinking» on the VII Festival of historical gardens
16 August, 2024, Friday, 19:30
«Moscow Virtuosi». «Akhmatova and Mayakovsky» as part of Third International festival of Kind Arts «Pyatnitskaya Bashnya»
14 August, 2024, Wednesday, 12:00
A series of popular science lecture-concerts "Musical Laboratory of the Moscow Virtuosi". Lecture 1: Music and Physics
7 July, 2024, Sunday, 19:00
Mozart's Universe
29 June, 2024, Saturday, 19:00
«Moscow Virtuosi». «Akhmatova and Mayakovsky»
25 June, 2024, Tuesday, 00:00
Concert in the framework of social-cultural initiative of the orchestra «Virtuosi to Moscow»