Moscow Moscow International House of Music (Svetlanov Hall)
Christmas concert of Vladimir Spivakov and «Moscow Virtuosi»
24 December, 2021, Friday, 19:00
Christmas concert of Vladimir Spivakov and «Moscow Virtuosi»
13 December, 2021, Monday, 19:00
The concert is rescheduled on May 20, 2022. The tickets are valid.
12 December, 2021, Sunday, 13:00
A series of popular science lecture-concerts "Musical Laboratory of the Moscow Virtuosi". Lecture 2 "Music and Brain"
10 December, 2021, Friday, 19:00
The concert is rescheduled on May 19, 2022. The tickets are valid.
8 December, 2021, Wednesday, 19:00
The second concert of the season ticket «Moscow Virtuosos» at Philharmonic Hall 2.
5 December, 2021, Sunday, 19:00
The concert of the Moscow Virtuosi season ticket at the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall: Alexander Ghindin
27 November, 2021, Saturday, 18:00
Closure of the music festival "Formula of Harmony"
26 November, 2021, Friday, 18:00
Music festival "Formula of Harmony": a concert of the orchestra soloists
21 November, 2021, Sunday, 18:00
Music festival "Formula of Harmony": a concert of the orchestra soloists