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  • Anton Kulapov

    Honoured Artist of the Russian Federation

    Anton Kulapov was born in Moscow. At the age of six he began studying music at school. Igumnova. Studied playing the violin in the classes of G. Pershman and E. Polonskaya, and in the seventh grade playing the viola in the class of V. Ganusich.

    In 1983 he entered the Music School of the Moscow State Conservatory in the viola class of L. Gushchina. During his years at the school he was actively involved in the quartet in the classes of A. Kochergin and G. Matrosova. As part of the school quartet he took part in a music festival in Nyirbator (Hungary).

    In 1987, after graduation, he was drafted into the Soviet Army. He served in the string group of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Air Defence Ministry. During the service he toured all over the Soviet Union, as well as European countries – Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria.

    In 1991, he entered the Lomonosov Moscow State Conservatory. In 1991, he entered the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory. Studied in the classes of Professors F.Druzhinin and Yu.Tkanov (viola). Teaching the quartet game was held in parallel in the classes of Professor N. Zabavnikov and Professor R. Davidyan. In 1996 he continued his postgraduate solo studies with Professor Tkanov.

    From 1992 to 1998, he was an assistant concertmaster in the viola group of the Moscow Symphony Orchestra conducted by A.Almeida.

    Since 1996, he has been an artist of the Moscow Concert. As part of the «‎Eleanor Quartet» he toured Russia.

    In 1998 he founded the «‎Mozart Quartet» with like-minded friends. From its creation to the present day, the Quartet has been actively involved in Moscow’s musical life. It performs in other cities in Russia and abroad.

    Since 1999, Anton Kulapov has been an artist with the Moscow Virtuosi Chamber Orchestra. He takes part in the concert work of the soloists’ ensemble «‎Moscow Virtuosi».


    «‎Eleanor Quartet»

    «‎Mozart Quartet»

    Ensemble of soloists from the Moscow Virtuosi Orchestra


    2001 – I prize for «‎Mozart Quartet» at the International Shostakovich Quartet Competition.

    2010 – Honorary title «‎Honoured Artist of the Russian Federation»

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